Thursday, December 20, 2012

12-21-12 Today may be your last....

Could today be the last day of your life? In the last couple of months my life has drastically changed. I've always known about the Rapture. I've seen the frightening 70's film Thief in the Night and Left Behind, and more recently Jerusalem Countdown. I've seen the Rapture scenes and I have believed all my life that I would most certainly "go" in the Rapture. But lately I have started seeing things differently. I no longer am thinking of myself. I have a burden for others.

If I ask all my friends if they know what the Rapture is they all say yes. Most of them were alive in the 80s when many believed it was upon us. Most of you reading this might have even grown weary or leery of even thinking about the Rapture. Like the boy who cried wolf. At one time you were jumping every time you heard "wolf" but now you've learned better. Now you will not fall for those taunts anymore. You know better.

Did you know that before Israel became a nation again and before they gained control of Jerusalem that predictions or excitement about the Rapture being near was premature. So in around 2012 years not until around 50 years ago could people actually start seeing how near the Rapture might be. Is 50 years too long for you to hold out? Time to just throw in the towel and forget about it?

I get excited about stuff. I saw Titanic with Husband TEN times in the theatre! When I find something I like I talk about it. I love Aussie hairspray, Excedrin actually is THE headache medicine in my opinion, everyone should adopt a child, and pink is the greatest color in the world, even though Victoria's Secret has tried to claim it and trash it up. Guess what? There is NOTHING more exciting and worthy of hype then the day that Jesus descends to the clouds and yanks His Bride up out of this world and into His Presence forever. So why aren't we excited about it? Why aren't we passing our excitement onto the younger generations?

There aren't many times in my life I have ever said that I actually feel like the Lord gave me a word. Even though I know I hear from the Holy Spirit and that I am surrendered to His leading, I still stray from using those words because of their overuse in certain circles. But the other day I feel I got a word from God. My heart was so sad because I feel like Christians are not looking to the Rapture and to Eternity. I have found some don't even want to talk about it. Worse, some have quit believing. And God revealed to me that many of His believers love their lives here on earth more than they love His Presence. That we put so much into our lives here on, time, dreams, goals, children, cars, homes, vacations, jobs, hobbies, status...that we aren't excited about the idea of it all being over in a twinkling of an eye. And that this is one of the main reasons Christians don't think about and prepare for the Rapture.

That hard scripture about anyone coming to Jesus who doesn't hate his father and mother and, gasp, CHILDREN...what does that mean anyway?! Who does that these days? Weirdos? Nuns? Hate their children?!

It's meaning in comparison. Compared to the depth and intimacy that we love Christ. Compared to the devotion we have to Christ. Compared to the DESIRE just to BE in the little smidgen of Presence we can feel down here on Earth of Christ.... Compared to all of that, everything else seems so far away! That's from Jesus' mouth. The same compassionate Person that we all seem to so much more easily identify with of the Trinity. The One who became like us. He said that if we want to be His disciples then we must hate everyone else by comparison. Even our own lives.

Are you looking for the Rapture? Do you believe it's a real event that will happen? Do you have any criteria to base your reason why or why not you feel it could happen soon on?

Do you love your life more than you love the idea of leaving it all behind without a second's notice? Are you ok with that?

My heart aches for the lost. Not until in recent years did I really understand what it meant to have a burden for the lost. Everyday I feel it stronger. I've got something on the inside of me that the lost don't have. And it has changed me and freed me! My heart is torn between wanting to be with Him right now and the Rapture being delayed because of the mercy of God. But I don't believe the reason why people aren't desiring the Rapture is because they are so burdened by the lost. But it's more about their love for their lives.

We cannot change God's plan for the future. He did however give us a guide to it and ample time to prepare. His desire is to make the Heavens and the Earth right again. Forever. The time left for Satan to rule the air is almost up. He can feel it and is fighting hard. What are we fighting for?

The Mayans predicted 12-21-12 would be the end of an era. If you read your Bible you know that it won't be the end of the world because we know that because of the Millennial Reign of Christ, we have at least 1007 years left, counting the Tribulation. So of course I do not believe that the world will end today. But could the Rapture happen today? YES! It could happen ANY day. The Biblical prophecies of Israel becoming a nation, the Jewish people returning to their land, the desert blooming and the wild animals returning...they are all happening. And for those of you whose interest has been sparked, the current hatred towards Israel and the apocalyptic theology of Iran's leaders to fulfill the goal of ushering in their 12th Imam by creating global chaos is pushing us closer a closer to the Biblical timeline of the Rapture, Tribulation, and Millennial Reign of Christ!

I can barely sleep at night! It's a countdown in my eyes! My time on this Earth is almost done. God has laid out a plan for His people and His creation and the book of Revelation is our map. Things are beginning to happen. Will you be a scoffer or will you humble yourself before God on this exciting date in history and see if it's time a new era in your life begin. A new ear that is not about you, but about God's purposes for your life in this day and age.

Are you ready? Or do you still battle with unforgiveness, habitual sin, gossip, insecurity, self-pity? Yes, we will always have things to overcome! But those things, even poor health, are not to be our focus while we are here on Earth! There are many hurting people that need to feel, see, and hear the undeniable LOVE OF CHRIST right now. If we really believe that our time is short here, then are we living like it?

What are we waiting for?

What regrets would you have if the Rapture happened now?

Are you sure your heart is in a right place to meet Christ face to face?

Who goes in the Rapture? People who say they are Christians and go to church occasionally? People who have an intimate relationship with Jesus? Anyone who has ever made a decision at any point in their life to follow God? All the nice people? These are things that we should all think about.

The thought of Christ scooping me up to be part of His spotless Bride, and sitting down at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, keeps me up at night!!! Y'all, it's REAL! It's going to happen! Whether you believe it or not! Whether you are looking for it or not! Whether you are ready or not!

12-21-12. A new era! No more life as usual. I'm never going back to the way I was! I am going to live whole-heartedly to make my time on this Earth matter. Loving people. Helping people. Bringing others to Christ! And I'll gladly give it up the second I see the clouds part for me! I'm ready! Today, Come Lord Jesus! But if you give me another day, I'll thank You for having mercy one more day as more people come to know you, Lord!

Revelation 22 (The Message)

12-13 “Yes, I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon! I’m bringing my payroll with me. I’ll pay all people in full for their life’s work. I’m A to Z, the First and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion.

14-15 “How blessed are those who wash their robes! The Tree of Life is theirs for good, and they’ll walk through the gates to the City. But outside for good are the filthy curs: sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters—all who love and live lies.

16 “I, Jesus, sent my Angel to testify to these things for the churches. I’m the Root and Branch of David, the Bright Morning Star.”

17 “Come!” say the Spirit and the Bride.
Whoever hears, echo, “Come!”
Is anyone thirsty? Come!
All who will, come and drink,
Drink freely of the Water of Life!
18-19 I give fair warning to all who hear the words of the prophecy of this book: If you add to the words of this prophecy, God will add to your life the disasters written in this book; if you subtract from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will subtract your part from the Tree of Life and the Holy City that are written in this book.

20 He who testifies to all these things says it again: “I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon!”

Yes! Come, Master Jesus!

21 The grace of the Master Jesus be with all of you. Oh, Yes!