Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Gift, My Husband! Happy Birthday!

It is 12:09 a.m. and while Husband sleeps, I am thinking about how much I love him. It is his birthday today. And tomorrow we get to go to Disney World. I know he is extra happy!

All my life, I waited for the one. I have met many beautiful, wonderful people in my life, but I knew that I would just know when the one came along that I was to marry. Those of you that know us well know that God brought us together suddenly. In fact, just a month before we began dating I had only ever considered Daniel like a brother.....a LITTLE brother at that!!

When God's timing came, suddenly we were in love...hopelessly devoted in love. I can still remember calling my sisters and Mom to tell them that Daniel was the one and that we would marry. It was all so surreal, yet so natural. And before the year was up, we were married....together forever, and already 12 years!

I knew Daniel was a sweet and pure hearted guy when I married him, but I had no idea what a gift God had given me in him! I am so blessed, beyond words even now that I try to write. Chantel says that we all never knew just how sweet Daniel is until Rob came along. He is a little Daniel through and through and so precious and gentle hearted.

So on my sweet husband's birthday I want to say a few things about him.

I love the way he loves God and reads his Bible and prays in the early morning.

I love the way he gravitates toward the weaker person and helps them along.

I love the way he folds his dirty clothes and puts them back in his suitcase.

I love the way he washes the kids faces when he bathes them at night.

I love the way he never complains as he diligently works on his computer long hours.

I love the way he naturally likes things that are pure.

I love the way he doesn't obsess about football or television shows.

I love the way he honors others.

I love the way he reads the Bible to the kids every night.

I love the way he loves to go to Eureka Springs just because it's cozy.

I love the way he is sentimental and makes up for how I am not.

I love the way he buys at least 2 new pair of cargo shorts every season.

I love the way he hugs and kisses me all the time.

I love the way he is not afraid to say he's wrong.

I love the way he is transparent around me and says funny things I think but don't say.

I love the way he prays out loud throughout the day.

I love the way he looks in jeans.

I love the way he takes longer showers than I do just to relax.

I love the way he never complains about what he doesn't have.

I love the way he doesn't like or desire Hollywood or secular things.

I love the way he smiles.

I love the way he looks as he gets older.

I love the way he holds his wrist like an artist when he talks.

I love the way he loves family.

I love the way he gives generously to missionaries.

I love the way he invests in people's lives.

I love the way he designs.

I love the way he looks in a baseball cap.

I love the way he dances.

I love the way he laughs.

I love the way he knows about American and World History.

I love the way he respects Pastor Billy Joe and Sharon.

I love the way he raises his hands as far as he can to worship God without reservation.

I love the way he writes.

I love the way he gets up in the morning happy.

I love the way he walks Ms. Rice all the way home everytime she visits us.

I love the way he plays with our kids.

I love the way he takes care of what he has.

I love the way he loves bananas.

I love the way he is not bound by tradition when it needs to be let go.

I love the way he believes in adoption.

and I could go on and on and on. I love him so much. I just want to be a better wifey for him every day.

Thank you God for my husband, my gift. Thanks Husband, for all you are. I know you have many more years ahead of you in this lifetime, but I know that God is pleased with you. I sure am!


Signature of Divine...the song you are hearing right now.

Cathedrals have tried in vain
To show the image of your face.
But we are, by your design,
The signature of divine.

We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.

Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.

The fortunes of kings and queens
Are wasted chasing what we've seen.
Cause we are, by your reprieve,
The beauty framed by your suffering.

We'll always sing your name.
Forever and today.

Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is your glory when you go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.

Take me, and pull me through.
Cause I can't move without you.
I won't leave you alone, you say.
It will be okay.

This song by Need To Breathe blesses me!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My little pianist!

My sweet little Phoebe has been taking piano lessons for 5 months now. She had her first festival, in which she played for a judge and she did perfect. She has played Little Shooting Star so much I think even Rob could play it by now! I always wished I had learned to play but I never wanted to force it on my children. She really really loves it. And she can sit down at the piano and play something she has heard before. I'll come in the room and ask her who taught the song to her and she'll say, "No One!"

I took piano lessons for about 5 months when I graduated high school. All I can remember is how to play "The Entertainer." My family laughs because that's all I can play. Now i've taught it to Phoebe. So I've passed down my legacy! I am counting on Phoebe now teaching me how to play!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

ROB....my sweet, sweet Rob!

Our little Rob says the funniest things......even more so than PG and Johnny. I've started keeping a notebook of the funny things he says. Here's the latest. Yesterday he came in the kitchen as soon as he got up and noticed that Johnny had left two of his markers out overnight without the caps on.

"Johnny is never ever again allowed to use my markers again. Not even when God comes to pick us up!!! He can never never again use them here on earth. Buuuuut...... he can use them in Heaven cause I know nobody leaves marker tops off in Heaven....right Mommy?"

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Husband Rocks This Saturday too!

My husband rocks because he takes the kids to Macy's in September just as they are unpacking all the Christmas products! Christmas is his absolute favorite time of the year. Sometimes I can be a stick in the mud to say the least, but he can always count on the kids to celebrate ornaments and trees in September! Right now, that's where they are....

Every time we go to the mall from here till January he will say, "Let's go look at the Christmas decorations at Macy's!" I am thinking...."we just saw them last weekend and nothing has changed." But thankfullly God gave me a husband that is not like me in that sense and keeps it FUN and Exciting! My husband rocks cause he is FUN, FUN, FUN!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My husband Rocks Friday! (Saturday)

I can't believe it's been a whole week. Yes, I continue to neglect my blogs because of facebook. But I couldn't resist saying my husband rocks because he reads Bible stories to the kids every night and has for years and years (their whole little lives). He is carrying on a great tradition his father started with him and it is so precious.

The kids no the Bible stories so well. And even when I am tired, Daniel still goes in there and gets them ready for bed and read to them and prays with them! What a man!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Husband Rocks Friday!

OK, I've been trying to remember to do this post every Friday. My friend Kim has even reminded me....but since I cannot seem to remember it on Friday, then I am starting it today, on Saturday! This idea came from another blog which I would link to now, but I don't know how to do that yet (anyone?). Every Friday I will put up a new reason why my husband rocks....and I encourage you to do the same if you have a husband that rocks! What a great trend.....honoring your husband!

My husband rocks because he helped Phoebe Grace with her science project today! He is so involved in the kids' everyday lives and loves to be with them. He is always taking them on special dates and walks! He takes them out when I need a break, he takes care of them when I have meetings, and he does all this without me having to ask him!

My husband rocks. Thank you Jesus for such a precious person you gave to me!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

In theaters this month!


Hey have y'all heard about the new movie called Fireproof coming out? It is about protecting your marriage from being destroyed. My heart is so heavy right now from the news of divorce. I am furiated at the devil. The number of people, especially Christians, who are divorcing these days is astounding. We are in the last hours of the last day on Earth, I believe. The devil is working overtime to destroy God's army. I make sure everyday that I am not allowing him to touch my family.

Daniel and I have been married for over 12 years. We talk about everything. Even the things that have sometimes hurt the other. We have had ups and downs (having babies, raging hormones, adjusting to a new way of life with kids!). But the thing that has helped us stay strong is being truthful...to each other and to ourselves.

So many people live in a false reality. They believe one thing about their life, but are not seeing it for what it really is. They also do this in their relationship with God. It becomes a facade, a mask, fake. And days turn into months and years, and before long the person is wondering why they are not happy in their marriage.

God has given me a desire for truth in my life. I've always dug until I found the truth. I could never let things go or forget about things that were not explained. Jesus said "...you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:32

In the last days we have to see things for what they really are....in the eyes of Truth! When you allow God to change your heart as you seek Him, your eyes are opened to the lies and deception in your life. You see the fiery darts of the enemy and know to cast them down instead of accepting them as truth in your life.

The devil is the father of lies. The devil is the father of lies. The devil is the father of lies.

If you are living a lie, if you thrive on lies, or if you are believing the lies the devil tells you about yourself, you are not walking in the Truth. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!" In a messed up world when stupid reality shows full of lies are being watched by Christians are rated #1, aren't you glad as Believers we are led by Truth! That when the world tries to tangle us in its web of hatred and lust, that we have the Word of God to guide us through.

I am!

Facebook is to blame!

I know I've neglected my blog. I admit it. I was just trying to find out how many of you actually read my blog! I can definitely blame it on facebook. For years of loathing myspace because of all the sad stories I heard about young girls, I have so far found facebook to be fine. I like the fact that I can rate the ads, and I think they've figured out by now that I am a Christian.

I have added this blog to the notes section of it, so we'll see if it works.

So if you miss me here, catch me on facebook!

Monday, July 21, 2008

12 Years of Happy Marriage

Daniel and I celebrated 12 years yesterday. We had a lovely date and I selected "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Raw" while we were at the bookstore. I was so excited to read it and find many of the other books I feel God has lead me to read in the past few years referenced in it. I really feel everything clicking with me going raw. After going over 2 weeks on about 80% raw, I still feel so foreign to raw eating. I've really just been eating salads and a lot of fruit, and I want to learn more.

The recipes look a bit challenging, and I need some more kitchen equipment such as a dehydrator. Raw foodies aren't just eating salads all day long. They eat raw lasagna, and soups, and crackers, and so on. Good thing my birthday is coming up! It has also inspired me to feed my kids better. When I start thinking about everything they ate in a day (not what I offered or made them, but what they ACTUALLY ate) it can be frightening sometimes!

So I'll let you know as I try new recipes in my new book!

My anniversary present!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Phoebe's New Bedding!

My goals for this week

So I am on about day 14 or so of eating RAW and I love it. I am going to 30 days, but then I am starting a 100 day Raw Food Challenge in August. I am learning so much. You should check out rawfu.com!

This week, I will continue to eat raw, while trying 2 new raw recipes: raw chili and raw alfredo zucchini. I will let you know how it goes. I also want to fun 2 miles every day, and get up EARLY before my kids and do my exercise and time with God. Do any of you get up and do all that every morning before your kids are up?

I would also like to work on Phoebe's room, as we are transforming it into a China doll's room! And I am going to conquer this poison ivy this week! I am not going to let it consume me as it has this week.

Welcome to my life!

I love to write, always have. So it just makes sense that I'd love to blog, once I figured out what blogging is! So now that I have, I look forward to sharing life with you, my friends and family. Please leave a comment and let me know who's found their way to my blog. I hope to meet new people along the way, too!